FranklyAI is...

committed to helping you unlock the benefits of Generative AI.

At FranklyAI, our expert team is led by Matt Ensor, CEO & Founder, who brings a wealth of experience and a dynamic approach to understanding GenAI. Our team specializes in a comprehensive range of training and coaching options tailored to meet the needs and budgets of diverse organizations.

We created the “FranklyAI for Microsoft Teams” app to fulfill organizational needs for a secure method for employees to utilize pre-approved Large Language Models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, without relying on browser-based solutions or the need for multiple accounts.

FranklyAI is part of the Beca group of companies: 

Our Values:

Pākiki | Curiosity

Mana | Equity

Hihiri | Agility

Houtupu | Authenticity


Matt Ensor

CEO & Founder

Proud member of: NZTech and AI Forum